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Machinery and equipment 2016 annual investment strategy: robot, Ming crown Position:News > Industry news

"Made  in China 2025" will be as a planning integration of the two main lines,  clear the "Made in China" in the direction of the transformation. Robotics,  intelligent manufacturing foothold as the integration of the two, the  machinery industry is undoubtedly the most dazzling star. 2016  overall mechanical equipment industry is facing disintegration: in  policies to promote and demand growth wheel drive, advanced  manufacturing machinery such as robots, nuclear power and other  sub-sectors to better long-term; on the other hand the macro demand  continues to slump, led to the traditional engineering machinery  industry decline, but enterprises have a certain strength, with the transition space. On the whole, to give overweight rating industry.

Industrial robot sales continued to grow, enhance penetration

Industrial robot sales continued to grow, enhance penetration. From car manufacturing spread to 3C manufacturing and special equipment manufacturing. Industrial  robot 3C, precision manufacturing, and other areas of demand growth  will be higher than the traditional car manufacturing industry. Optimistic about the industry experience, and strong integration capabilities 3C industry solutions provider. With the industrial robots in the manufacturing sector continues to penetrate, "Industry 4.0" process with each passing day. "Made in China 2025" in the operating system is the software industry in parallel with the robot made. Production enterprises in the use of industrial software industrial software also became terminal. Industrial end-users have the software maker is expected to grow as a platform company. Optimistic with data acquisition capabilities of Industry 4.0  solutions provider and has a large number of terminals resources of  industrial software manufacturer.

Man-machine collaboration, interactive and write a new chapter in the industrial robot

Man-machine  collaboration, interactive and write a new chapter in industrial  robots, cooperating robots and humans work together will be the 3C  manufacturers and other industries the most feasible solution,  cooperating robots will be one variety of industrial robots in the  fastest growing market. 2016 is expected to become the first year of cooperating robots. Will  be widely used in the realization of human-computer interaction, human  collaboration process large data, sensors and other core technology and  components. With large data attributes AI robot will be "artificial intelligence"  of the wave of the biggest beneficiaries, promising high market share of  voice recognition and image recognition company.

Robot is into human life

Robots  are going into the human life from the factory, networking, AI and the  rapid development of sensor technology has accelerated this process. According  to IFR (World Robot Association) predicts that 2015-2018 global service  robotics market will reach about $ 30 billion. Among them, the domestic robot market of about $ 12 billion, professional service robot market of about $ 19.6 billion. Scenarios  clear, multi-functional, highly artificial household robot will usher  in rapid growth; minimally invasive surgical robot accuracy and other  characteristics, can significantly reduce the risk of surgery, medical  robotics will be the gold mine; to benefit from the time point of view In the field of civilian robotics deeply rooted, with qualified military robotics company will be the first to benefit. The next phase, integration capability and high degree of artificial  intelligence, unmanned combat systems manufacturers will lead the  industry.

Air Robot - UAV

Military and civilian professional UAVs: the enormous potential, waiting for market growth. Promising professional civil UAVs. Chinese UAV market demand over the next 15 years, 300 billion yuan, 200 billion yuan of which the military. On  civilian UAV is concerned, the field of security, agriculture,  forestry, plant protection, power line patrol and other markets in  greater demand. UAV  market demand security field (100-200) billion; the next five years  demand for agricultural crop protection UAV market more than 20 billion  yuan; power line patrol drones potential demand 5 billion yuan. The next 15 years of civil UAV market demand over 100 billion yuan. UAV market has great potential. Professional  services revenue of civilian UAVs will be an important source of  profits, uncertainties related to the company's performance growth. As future air data port, with large data storage, analysis UAV company will fully enjoy a premium valuation.

Pick up nuclear power construction

Nuclear  power nuclear power, close look "along the way" out of the country;  distance domestic nuclear power generation accounted for improvement. The rise of global nuclear power development boom: China nuclear power in recent years greatly increased export efforts. The  overall size of China's nuclear power is not small, but China's huge  economy and a huge amount of demand for electricity with respect, China  accounted for a relatively small nuclear power in the future, China's  nuclear power lifting is very big. Nuclear  Investment speed, driven by growth in demand for nuclear power  equipment, accounting for 60 percent of the nuclear island of nuclear  power equipment investment. Still need to import some parts of the nuclear island, the higher gross margin (above 40%). Thus, the nuclear island parts import substitution tremendous opportunities.