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Ceramic pigment production and processing machinery and equipment Position:News > Company news

Appear  ink printing technology, directly contributing to the domestic sanding  machines and inkjet printers and other ancillary equipment manufacturers  a feast. In  particular, the promotion and application of ceramic ink market demand  of domestic market demand for nano-materials sand mill to form a strong  support, in 2011 sander market was largely monopolized by foreign  Netstal and other manufacturers, the price is expensive The outrageous. The  2013 Guangzhou Fair has emerged 4-5 sanding machine manufacturer, to 25  liters of sanding machine, for example, in the 2012 can be sold more  than 50 million, but after entering the 2014 price decline directly to  400,000 about  30 liters of sanding machine should be more suitable for large-scale  production of ceramic inkjet ink, and has about 300,000 manufacturers  offer. Jet mill in ceramic color glaze factory applications are expanding,  especially ink pigment powder glaze preliminary processing and printing  processing solution used to jet mill.

Traditional  solid phase synthesis pigment manufacturing process, material mixing  process is basically used to arm screw mixer and coulter mixer, of  course, there are some manufacturers use a specific horizontal mixing  device, also used to be a ball mill mixing.

Coulter  blender machine is mainly used in the finished ceramic pigment and raw  material mixing aspects, the common Coulter blenders have 1 ton and 3  tons of two specifications, Coulter blenders mixing time normally  required 2-3 hours, with the installation of the required installation lifting platform. Especially raw materials or finished product viscosity is relatively  large when using the coulter type mixer at high speed through the tip  can break up the lumps of material.

Arms  spiral mixer is mainly used for shipping finished ceramic pigment  links, with respect to high-speed operation of the tip Coulter blender,  screw mixer is suitable for mixing dry powder materials. Mixing  time is usually between 2-4 hours, to mix the material processed  through the internal rotation of two arms, due to the presence of mixing  the bottom corner, production processes usually requires feeding will  be one or two bottoms Place the outer loop to mix well.

The  mill is from the cylinder, and out of the hollow shaft and the grinding  material and some other level of composition, the cylinder is long  cylinder, cylinder with grinding, cylinder is of steel manufacturing,  there is a steel cylinder liner and fixed, grinding general a  steel ball, according to a certain percentage of different diameters  and load cylinder, grinding steel section can also be used. Material  from the feed device evenly into the mill first warehouse into the  compound by the air shaft spiral, the warehouse has ladder liner or  corrugated liner, built with a variety of steel ball, rotating cylinder  produces centrifugal force to the ball a certain After the height of the fall, have severe impact on the material and abrasive. The  material in the first position reached kibble, after single-layer  diaphragm plate into the second warehouse, the warehouse lined with flat  lining, the steel ball, the material to further grinding. Powder is discharged through the discharge grate plate to complete the grinding operation.

During  the rotation of the cylinder, grinding phenomenon have slipped in  during the fall to the material to abrasive action, in order to  effectively use abrasive, large particle size of the material is  generally 20 mesh ground when the grinding body separator cylinder Sec  divided into board positions, namely a two-bin, the material into the  first position when the ball was crushed, the material into the second  position when the steel section of the material for grinding, grinding  qualified material discharged from the discharge end of the hollow shaft  When small particles of feed material were finely ground, such as sand  II slag, coarse fly ash, mill shell or not to set partitions, a  single-chamber tube mill, grinding can also be of steel segments.

Raw  materials through the hollow journal to be milled into the hollow  cylinder, the cylinder built with various diameters grinding media  (balls, steel bars or gravel, etc.). When  the drum about a horizontal axis at a constant speed of rotation when  mounted in the barrel of the media and materials under the effect of  centrifugal force and friction, as the cylinder reaches a certain  height, when greater than the centrifugal force of its own gravity, then  from tube falling or rolling down the inner wall of the projectile, due to impact forces crushed ore. While the mill rotation, grinding media slide mutual

Motion for raw materials also produce abrasive. After grinding the material discharged through the hollow journal.

Ball  in the ceramic industry also belongs to dual-use machinery, raw  material can be used for milling mix to be used for the finished product  refinement process and finished products shipped mixing. Especially  the part Glaze ball mill processed product must be used, for example,  the black glaze with pigment and part of praseodymium yellow product,  quality product performance and processing mill processing fine  machining thin significantly different. In  addition, the ceramic zirconium iron red pigment in red and aluminum  iron and other products, you must use the ball mill mixing for  production, zirconium iron red ball milling the ingredients time between  8-12 hours. When  used raw mill, ball stone, the proportion of water is one of the key  factors, a reasonable ratio can improve milling efficiency, reduce  milling time.