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2011-2015 two kinds of trends in China building ceramic machinery industry Position:News > Industry news

With  the rapid development of ceramic tile industry, which is the upstream  industry of building ceramics production machinery and equipment  industry is also developing rapidly. From the early nineties now, building ceramics production machinery and equipment has been fully achieved domestically. In  China's famous ceramic machinery production base - Foshan, brought  together about more than 200 building ceramic machinery and equipment  companies. After  decades of rapid development, China's construction machinery industry  has fully ceramics market, are all private enterprises. Since  2011, Chinese building ceramics machinery industry showed two trends:  First, many ceramic machine enterprise products have to go abroad and  popular international market, has been fully replace European products  in Southeast Asia and become the local ceramic machine market mainstream  brands; two league ceramic machinery enterprises, integration makes the brand value can be reflected.

Domestic construction ceramics machinery

Market capacity surge

Building  ceramics production line mainly by raw material preparation equipment,  molding machines (including presses and cloth machine), baking equipment  (including furnace and other equipment), deep-processing machinery  (including polishing line, ultra-clean bright discharge sewage lines)  decoration, five parts packaging machinery (inkjet, printing, sorting packaging  lines and other equipment), etc., the proportion of each component part  as follows (in terms of sales), shown in Figure 1:

The proportion of China's construction machinery ceramic products

Figure 1: The proportion of building ceramics machinery

Since  the sustained and healthy development of China's national economy, the  rapid expansion of market scale building ceramics, Chinese ceramics  construction machinery market is developing rapidly. After  the financial crisis, the downstream demand to promote the construction  ceramics industry upstream ceramic machinery market quickly pick up and  continue to maintain steady growth. 2006-2013, the domestic construction ceramics machinery market  capacity from 45 billion to 14.6 billion yuan or so, the average annual  growth rate of about 13%, see Figure 2.

International Road Chinese ceramic machine equipment

Very difficult

In recent years, China's construction machinery import and export of ceramic in the table below:

In recent years, China's construction machinery import and export of ceramics

Chinese  ceramic machinery and equipment companies now fully mastered the core  technology of building ceramics machinery and equipment, building  ceramics machinery and equipment technology to achieve full  localization, formed with Chinese characteristics building ceramics  production standard. Domestic  ceramic machine equipment technology continues to mature, and its cost  advantage and gradually become the mainstream of the domestic market and  imports equipment is also decreasing, from initial all-imported  equipment on the domestic market to the current market share of imported  equipment is less than 10 %.

Meanwhile, the Chinese ceramic machine equipment to expand the international market, the road is very difficult. Overall,  exports in recent years, Chinese ceramic machine equipment has been on  the international market is still in the development stage hardships. Data  Italian ceramic machinery manufacturers association (ACIMAC) showed,  Europe, the Middle East is a major regional Italian ceramic machine  equipment exports, is also a major market in the world ceramic machine  equipment sales. In  Europe and America, the sales price Sacmi production line is about 2  times China production line, the face of the high-end market, China's  large-scale equipment it is still difficult to enter. In  Southeast Asia, South Asia, the Middle East and other emerging markets,  Sacmi also very competitive, coupled with its use of European financial  institutions can provide 3 to 5 years of long-term financing services  for international clients in these areas, although Sark the high price of rice more than 30%, it is still a first choice for customers. China's  ceramic machine equipment only in Southeast Asia and other emerging  areas of international construction ceramics and Italian companies  (mainly Sacmi) tentative grips, international competitiveness remained  weak. But China in recent years, exports of ceramic machine data, increase every year. According to the Guangdong Keda Clean Energy 2014 report shows that exports to 558 million yuan.

Thus, the domestic ceramic machine equipment in order to foothold in the international market, the need to do more. Of course, ceramic machine equipment huge export market to the  domestic space of ceramic machine equipment business has demonstrated  broad prospects for development.

Sanitary ceramics production automation

Overall not high

At  present, the degree of automation of sanitary ceramics production in  general is not high, the domestic ceramic sanitary ware companies have  fully automated production equipment, production lines rare. Traditional  sanitary ceramics shaping been using simple way to spread the style  forming, the 1980s began to use simple mechanical auxiliary forming  devices (that is, we often say that the legislation pouring line), and  later appeared in Li pouring line basis sling lift line and low-voltage fast drainage equipment, and still in use.

The  traditional method for forming large area, the operating environment is  poor, long production cycle, low yields, and labor-intensive, requiring  workers experienced difficult fully mechanized large-scale production,  and the high-pressure forming process and equipment and automated spray  painting robot are can effectively solve these problems. With  the improvement of labor and employment costs, sanitary ceramics as a  labor-intensive industry must move towards automation and mechanization  of production mode, in order to achieve the overall sanitary ceramics  factory automation, high pressure grouting equipment is the ideal  choice. It currently has detailed 森兰特 Tangshan and Beijing can produce high-pressure grouting ceramic sanitary equipment.

Tangshan  has been the transformation of the old production process into a new  production process to achieve a complete line of sanitary ceramics  production mechanization and automation, the use of high pressure slip  casting, glazing between robotic, automatic transfer process, and into  the body are made of porcelain three-dimensional  storage, the product using online automatic inspection, greatly  reducing the labor intensity, reduced operating workers. According  to reports an annual output of tanks, wash basins, toilet split  Qualified 1,150,000 production lines, about the transformation of the  former staff of 600 people about 400 people changed after the  transformation, save thirty percent personnel, energy consumption by the  transformation of the former 750kg coal / kg porcelain changed after the transformation from the 350kg standard coal / kg porcelain.