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Equipment: grasp intelligent manufacturing high-end equipment mainline Position:News > Company news

Transformation and upgrading of high-end equipment manufacturing derivative investment opportunities. China's  manufacturing industry is facing the developed countries' high-end  manufacturing backflow "+ emerging and developing countries" in the  low-end shunt "double squeeze, slowdown, sluggish demand for traditional  equipment, poor overall performance of the machinery industry. "Made in China 2025" is intended to promote contradiction of  manufacturing to high-end, intelligent transformation and upgrading, to  resolve the current surplus of low-end, high-end shortage, manufacturing  transformation and upgrading process, the high-end equipment is  expected to enjoy a long-term dividend policy.

Long-term bullish intelligent manufacturing sector. Demographic  dividend disappear, a large number of low-end labor-intensive  manufacturing sector needs urgent upgrade, while the state has adopted  the "Made in China 2025", "equipment manufacturing thirteen Five-Year  Plan" and a series of national strategies, as the Intelligent  Manufacturing the main direction, promoting supply-side reforms. Students  within the economy driven vigorously push Mai Mai + policy, China's  manufacturing industry is not intelligent manufacturing 杢 10 years 癿 斱  or closed to the long-term trend is a clear or closed. We  prefer to play a supportive role in the intelligent manufacturing of  industrial robots, service robots, 3D printing, 3C automation and other  high-end equipment sector. Recommended robot, Eston, bicyclic transmission, star technology, Canny Elevator, Zhiyun shares southerly shares.

Optimistic about nuclear power sector has a monopoly advantage of auxiliary equipment companies. Strong  restart construction of nuclear power, ushered in the "golden years",  the future will bring 60 billion yuan investment in equipment each year.  8  units is expected to start construction during the year more than  11--14 years the number of new construction units sum, nuclear power  auxiliary equipment class will focus on the release orders for about a  year after the start. Nuclear sea, "Hualong One" expected to settle in Britain, to open overseas markets for growth. We  believe that 16 years of high growth performance of the company's  nuclear power equipment logic will gradually be demonstrated. Recommended Jiangsu supernatural powers, nuclear power in the Taiwan Strait.

Risk  Warning: the slow pace of transformation and upgrading of the  manufacturing sector, macro-economic downturn led to machinery and  equipment demand continues to slump, "Thirteen Five" nuclear power  installed capacity down