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Stone equipment manufacturing industry trends Position:News > Company news

Since the reform and opening up, Chinese natural stone industry to achieve healthy and rapid development, has become the world an important member of stone circles, mainly in the production of stone, substantial increase in consumption, import and export volume and amount. China's stone industry in just 30 years, the construction of a production and export in the world, with a certain competitive stone industry. Production of steady and rapid growth, structural adjustment achieved remarkable economic benefits greatly improved, markedly enhanced the strength of large enterprises, to further enhance the capability of independent innovation, diversified pattern has been formed. Today, China has become a major world stone production and consumption country, and gradually formed a few large stone production base in Fujian, Shandong, Guangdong, and many of the industrial park.
    1. Status of the stone equipment manufacturing
    Stone prosperity driven manufacturing equipment manufacturing scale stone and continued to thrive, especially in recent years with the development of construction, decoration industry, all kinds of varieties and specifications of the rapid increase in demand for stone products, thus greatly boosting the stone the development of processing machinery and stone processing tools. Price competition and monumental construction project engineering and shorter delivery force producing natural stone processing industry trend continued rationalization, the corresponding mechanical equipment manufacturing companies often continue to optimize its product.
    China's stone processing machinery and tools industry in the introduction of the digestion and absorption of foreign advanced equipment and manufacturing technology, based on the series has been able to offer to the entire industry, various grades of production equipment and tools for the healthy development of the industry, the rapid development has laid a basis. Especially in recent years, through imitation innovation and integrated innovation and independent research and development, domestic stone processing machinery and equipment is developing rapidly, diamond circular saws, diamond frame saw, sand saws, automatic continuous grinding and polishing machine, automatic continuous milling machine Performance and quality of automatic bridge cutting machine and other traditional processing equipment has increased significantly even qualitative leap, meanwhile, and the high-end product development, manufacturing has been greatly improved and achieved remarkable results. The emergence of a new stone processing center, high-pressure water jet machines, CNC engraving machines and other automation equipment can be comparable with foreign equipment stone machinery also numerous. For example: Shandong University Materials and Construction Machinery Research Center and Shandong Huaxing Machinery Co., Ltd. co-developed the SMC3205 type machining center, which indicates that China ever since proprietary CNC machining center stone, broken stone processing center to rely on imports of the situation .
    For the needs of the situation at home and abroad for large diameter diamond saw blade matrix, Hebei stars sparkle Saw Industry Co., Ltd. developed Φ3600mm ~ 5200mm large diameter blade, completely broke the monopoly of the international system of advanced countries saw large diameter diamond saw blades matrix situation, improve the market competitiveness of our stone tools.
    Today, China has been able to produce most of the stone machinery and stone tools, and the price and performance can meet the domestic demand and generally have a certain amount of exports. These affordable products to the greatest benefit of enterprises is greatly reduced production costs, boost productivity and greatly reduce the labor intensity of the production line employees, product type rich and varied, comprehensive economic efficiency indicators of enterprises continued to rise, competitive strength has been greatly enhanced. All in all, the new device recipe for new tools to the enterprise for sustainable development, g "enemy" an invaluable asset.
    2. Development Trend of stone equipment manufacturing industry
    With the "energy conservation, recycling economy" of production requirements, as well as the increasingly fierce market competition situation, stone equipment and tool industry in order to better adapt to the maximum to meet social demands, and constantly learn from modern scientific and technological developments, showing significant trends:
    (1) Processing efficient
    With the in-depth study of stone products for cutting and removing mechanism, and gradually optimized processing parameters, tools, technology development, and promote the upgrading of processing equipment technical parameters indicators, adaptation and efficient processing requirements; development of composite processing technology research and complex processing tools make products processing auxiliary time is shortened, significantly improve efficiency; in addition, various forms of combination saw development of production, good to meet the production needs of thin sheet.
    (2) single multi-processing equipment, automation
    Shaped processing equipment as a typical representative. Trends more varieties of small quantities of shaped articles, for the ability to respond quickly to market special processing equipment put forward higher requirements, high efficiency, high automation, low cost and highly flexible choice of special processing equipment businesses. The introduction of modular design techniques to achieve a single multi-functional great significance. Shaped by modular design of the device, can simultaneously achieve rapid design and manufacture of equipment to obtain multi-functional flexible processing equipment through the reconstruction of functional modules, enabling the production of personalized stone products.
    (3) the gradual optimization of processing equipment structures, "weight design" Pop
    Stone equipment developed country has been taking the path of imitation of Italy, a considerable number of devices are designed to mimic, the performance can basically meet the demand, but there are obvious structural bulky sports system is not smooth, the process parameters based on experience and other issues, the need for improved optimization. The introduction of the finite element method, combined with the corresponding dynamic test, can achieve the optimal design of the equipment, while the weight loss, the motion system more stable, more reliable. Optimal Design of the structure of equipment for stone, especially for large equipment frame saws, gang saws and the like, has obvious economic benefits, because of its reduced weight, save material, reduce costs and energy consumption.
    Humane (4) processing equipment
    Increasing emphasis on protection dust, shock absorbing devices and equipment, making the work environment safer. In addition, more emphasis on the exterior design equipment user-friendly design, using the idea of ergonomics, improvements in style, color matching equipment, the product gives human emotions, with its own characteristics.
    Environmental protection (5) processing equipment
    Such as diamond wire saw, high pressure water jet cutting machine in Stone Machining. High processing efficiency of diamond wire saw, when environmental pollution, low noise, power save; high-pressure water jet cutting machine is a high pressure water jet or abrasive jet cutting tools for the stone processing equipment, tool simple, no dust pollution, low noise , cut narrow, and bulk products, high precision. As more and more high stone processing environmental requirements, diamond wire saws and high pressure water jet cutting machine is bound to be more widely used.
    In short, the Chinese stone machinery in the future will be more diversified, high efficiency, precision, automation, assembly line direction, can be expected in this century efficiency, environmental protection, and automation is still the theme of stone machinery development.
    Suggestions 3. Stone Equipment Manufacturing enhance their competitiveness
    (1) focus on the development of new equipment for stone
    With the in-depth study of composite processing technology, to members simplicity, compact structure, configuration modular and component development is the development trend of commercialization directions Stone CNC machining equipment. While promising suitable for multi-species, single and small batch production of fully functional CNC machining center, also promising to improve productivity for large batch production of special-purpose CNC machining equipment. By no means a good composite processing equipment, and can not be made a single step or process different CNC machines assembled from simple, but must be in the traditional process steps to optimize existing processes and tools, based on the type of structural arrangement innovation and development out. Only by constantly improving production technology and equipment, and promote industrial upgrading, can help enterprises bigger and stronger, enhance the market competitiveness.
    Promote the use of composite processing technology not only to the requirements of the proposed processing equipment, but also for the development of composite processing tool requests. Many domestic processing center configuration because the tool can not keep up and not achieve the desired effect, did not play the advantages of high-performance composite processing. The development and selection of both processing efficiency and service life of composite processing tool is stone composite processing technology in an important aspect.
    (2) the gradual completion of the traditional process improvement
    To improve the core competitiveness stone processing enterprises, rely solely on the technical parameters of the device leading is not enough, the key depends on supporting the "software" is used, that is a composite process applications. With the high-speed spindle, multi-axis machining center system and the introduction of large-format work surface, and how to better take advantage of these features to optimize traditional stone processing database, create a shorter process chain, greater efficiency and equipment utilization stone shaped articles database becomes a problem to be solved, only this issue is resolved, high quality and efficiency, energy saving, environment-friendly in order to realize the goal, the stone business to survive.
    (3) promote the formation of stone machinery and equipment standardization system
    Stone special machinery standardization is an important part of the stone industry standardization is an important condition stone industry modernization. Improve the technical level of the stone industry, dependent on improving the level of stone machinery; and enhance and improve the standard level of stone machinery level is the key. With the establishment of standard committee, we want companies to attach importance to and actively participate in standards work and establish ourselves as soon as possible to adapt a standard system of stone special machinery and tools development of domestic stone industry, creating favorable conditions for the modern stone industry.
    National policies (4) the use of actively adjust the industrial structure and marketing model
    First, the stone industry should follow China's "expanding domestic demand, growth" of the overall deployment, intensify efforts to develop the domestic market, consolidating the east, the development of the Midwest, and should not blindly expand production. Secondly, policy support blocks reduce import tariffs and export tax rebate rate and other countries, the implementation of the diversification strategy of the international market, the consolidation of Japan and South Korea market, the development of emerging markets. Finally, the stone industry to adjust product mix, marketing mode, to maintain healthy competition between organizational structure, companies avoid unnecessary friction, learning ceramic industry marketing concepts and models, to walk the road of integration, to create the industry's aircraft carrier level enterprises.
    4. Conclusion
    In short, with the move towards high quality, artistic, diversification direction of the development of stone products industry, the market for the type of stone products, shape, accuracy and product size have become increasingly demanding, demand is growing, and thus the stone machinery manufacturing standards and product categories as well as the increasingly high performance requirements, regardless of the face of the international market or domestic market, improve the manufacturing level and core competitiveness stone machinery products is placed in front of all the stone machinery manufacturing companies the most urgent problem. Therefore, stone machinery manufacturing companies to constantly innovate and launch new products keeping up with today's international stone industry development pace. At present, China's equipment manufacturing industry, although the stone facing some difficulties and pressures, but also to see the domestic and international markets are broad, tremendous opportunities for development, as long as we adhere to the scientific concept of development, good industry and product structure adjustment, in international and domestic markets and strive to create their own brands, it must again brilliant innovation.